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7 Things That Often Cause Fires in The House

There are many things that can be the cause of a fire in a house. However, some of them are often done by the occupants of the house without realizing it.

Cause Fires in The House
In fact, such trivial things can be fatal and cause fires in the house. 

Here are seven trivial things that are often the cause of house fires:

1. Exploding Gas Stove

Gas stove
Nowadays, almost everyone uses a gas stove at home. 

However, if you are not careful, this gas stove can cause fires. Therefore, before purchasing a gas stove, make sure you have closed the gas so that there is no leakage. 

Also pay attention when installing gas in the kitchen of your house. If you put it wrong, then the stove or gas in your kitchen could explode. 

2. Forgot to Turn off the Stove

This often happens to the occupants of the house who have a habit of often forgetting something. Moreover, when cooking water, many people often leave it to do other activities. 

If the water is dry and burnt it may still be handled. However, what if it causes a fire in the kitchen even out of the house?

3. Oversized Electrical Plug Load

Many people often use three-branch power plugs at home. However, the large number of residents of the house makes the plugs are often used all. 

Whether to watch television, dispensers, mobile phone chargers, to turn on the refrigerator. However, did you know that too large a load can cause a short circuit?

It would be more dangerous if there was a short circuit. You can live directly in the red light. Therefore, it is safer if you do not charge one power plug for some equipment.

4. Burning Garbage

People usually have a habit of burning garbage in their yard.

Not only polluting the air, this burning garbage can also be the cause of fires. Therefore, you can avoid burning garbage when the sun is hot and the wind is strong.

5. Throwing Cigarette Butts Carelessly

House fire
Not only bad for health, it turns out that cigarettes can cause a bigger problem, namely fire. 

Imagine if cigarettes were accidentally wasted in a trash can containing dry objects or flammable paper. In just a few minutes or even seconds, your residence will burn down. 

Therefore, if you are a smoker, it is better to make cigarettes into place like ashtrays. However, make sure you have turned off the cigarette before it is discarded.

6. Your Child Playing Matches at Home

The cause of these subsequent fires usually occurs due to the negligence of parents in supervising their children. One of them is by avoiding objects that can sprinkle fire like matches from the reach of children. 

Because, if careless, your child can play with fire and can cause fires in the house. Not only that, it also risks harming children. 

To that end, keep the tools that can spark a fire in a location far from the reach of children. 

7. Old Power Cord

You also need to replace the old-looking power lines, especially those that are visible in person. 

Although it has good quality, the cable will still be weathered eaten time. You should check the condition of the cable occasionally in the house, especially in the ceiling of the house. 

Those are the seven causes of fires in the house that are often overlooked by homeowners. To do so, you have to be careful and alert when you're at home. 

Make sure you have tools to prevent fires such as smoke alarms or perform occasional fire simulations. 

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