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5 Best Waterproof House Ceiling Materials | No More Leaky Roof Terms!

Get the best residential protection, with a variety of quality waterproof minimalist house ceiling materials.

No more roofing when it rains. The price is also quite varied, and can be customized to suit your needs at home. Recommendations For Waterproof House Ceiling Materials

These are various recommendations of waterproof ceiling materials that you can make a reference, when later will buy building materials for the house.

1. Gypsum Water Resistant

Gypsum Water Resistant
In general, minimalist house ceiling materials such as gypsum, lack of good durability with humid conditions and prone to damage when exposed to water. This is due to the tendency of gypsum boards to absorb water easily, thus gradually causing the ceiling to collapse.

In fact, this material is widely liked, because of the various advantages it offers. Starting from the selling price of the gypsum ceiling is relatively affordable, the installation process is easy, the finish is stunning with a lot of choices of design and color, and is widely available in the building shop.

Along with the times, there is now a new variant of waterproof ceiling material from gypsum that has waterproof features. This type is an innovation that combines a mixture of new materials - such as silicon, into the process of making gypsum, resulting in superior products that are waterproof.

2. Kalsiboard House Ceiling Material

Kalsiboard House Ceiling Material
Furthermore, there is a type of ceiling that is processed into a sheet shape with the basic material in the form of special calcium minerals.

Kalsiboard ceiling is quite commonly found in Indonesian homes, because of the affordable selling price. This ceiling material is also in demand, because it is strong and has better durability than gypsum.

Kalsiboard offers many excellent features, one of which is its ability to withstand water. The superior feature is obtained, thanks to the main material mixture in the form of calcium, which is a type of mineral difficult to dissolve in water. Nevertheless, the installation process can be time consuming enough to be able to get the perfect result.

3. PVC Ceiling

PVC Ceiling
If the following minimalist house ceiling material must be quite familiar in your ears, namely pvc type.

Taken from the name of the material made, polyvinyl chloride, which is a type of plastic with a strong structure and often used widely in various industries. Not only to make ceilings, PVC can also be used to make pipes, doors, and also windows.

Like most plastic properties, you will find waterproof ceiling material, which has a light weight, with high flexibility.

PVC ceilings are also easy to obtain, and have excellent durability, with minimal maintenance. Very suitable for use in various rooms in the house, such as laundry rooms, kitchens, to bedrooms.

4. Types of Asbestos Ceilings (Eternity)

Types of Asbestos Ceilings (Eternity)
Asbestos, which was once one of the favorite building materials in the early 2000s, has now begun to be abandoned. The main factor is in the discovery of the adverse impacts caused by the use of asbestos ceiling materials, for health.

The material of the maker, namely eternity, is quite fragile and can produce powder that if inhaled, can cause a variety of lung complications that are quite fatal. However, this type of ceiling has high durability against various weather, fire, and water conditions.

5. GRC Ceiling Material

Source: Eastland Building Materials
Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GRC) is a type of minimalist house ceiling material that increasingly gets attention in the hearts of the community.

GRC uses a combination of basic materials in the form of composite concrete, which is reinforced with glass fibers.

As a result, you can get superior products that have high ability to withstand various weather conditions, not flammable, and certainly waterproof.

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