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Inspiration For Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel

When traveling to a place you will definitely want an unforgettable experience. Whether it's a tourist destination or a place to stay.

Some of the hotel's facilities are made as unique as possible so that visitors feel at home and visit again in the place. In some places, the bathroom shower design is unique.

Some of the unique bathroom design below, can also be the inspiration to design a private outdoor bathroom. Take a look, let's go!

1. Open Void style

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel roomporn
This bathroom with semi open void looks fresh with natural stone hangers and plants.

2. Outdoor concept

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel fiorelandscapedesign

If you like a room that blends with nature, it looks like this bathroom design with an outdoor concept is suitable for you. Usually hotels that provide open bathrooms will still maintain the privacy of guests.

3. Modern design

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel kohlermiddleeast

But for those of you who want to stay in a downtown hotel, you fit this modern design choice. Even in the room, you can still see the view from the inside through the glass window in the bathroom.

4. Like in the forest

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel chableresort

Have you ever thought about taking a bath in the woods? Now you can enjoy it right in Yucatan, Mexico.

5. Combination of black and gold

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel

Or a combination of black and gold that always matches. Especially with glass and plant accents.

6. With marble accents

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury HotelOpen Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel b.ianca.k

Shower design with marble accents is indeed a prima donna because of the clean design offered.

7. Bathroom with 2 choices

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel archbuzzer

In this bathroom there are two options, want to feel the fresh water flowing from the shower or soak in a bath up.

8. Open window

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel sheltonmindel

With open windows this will allow you to enjoy the view of the mountains while soaking in the bath up.

9. Space-saving bathrooms

Open Bathroom Design like Luxury Hotel archbuzzer

Although space-saving, but the classy impression still feels refreshing and make sure you relax.

Well above are some tips from sweethome for some bathroom design tips like at the hotel. Stay tuned for more updates on SweetHome.

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