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11 Best House Marble Floor Designs 2021, Looking Luxurious and Elegant

Marble floors are one of the important parts that you should apply interestingly at home. Because, the use of marble is the best way to improve the aesthetics of the house even if it adds luxury.

Meanwhile, marble accents can be applied with a variety of color textures even if the theme is minimalist in the living room and family room.

Although it has a high price, marble applications are still in great demand as a long-term home appliance investment.

So, what marble designs are worth applying at home? Check out the discussion together!

Interior design with marble floors below can be the best reference full of luxury 

There are several references to the use of marble floors in the living room in the house that can be explained as follows: 

1. Unique minimalist monochrome touch

Best House Marble Floor
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A touch of minimalist monochrome can be the best reference you can apply on the minimalist marble floor of the house.

The white texture with a monochrome combination of minimalist motifs looks similar to the whole space in the house that is timeless. 

You can also apply the marble touch with various colors of furniture, both soft textured. 

2. Theme off white full of luxury

Best House Marble Floor
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The white marble floor is one of the best inspirations that you can uniquely apply with a luxurious touch.

Meanwhile, the white marble shape with off white theme is very suitable to be applied to the family room aesthetically and shiny.

3. Classic brown textured accents

Best House Marble Floor
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Classic design is always the best reference that you should apply as a unique home inspiration.

The touch of brown textured marble color looks very slick even though it is suitable combined with classic accents in the living room and living room.

4. Elegant black color combination

Best House Marble Floor
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In addition to light colors, you can also apply dark color combinations with elegant black textures.

Monochrome black accents look aesthetically pleasing with a combination of grey and plush mocha brown textured sofas.

These three colors are not only elegant, but also look masculine in the living room. 

5. Flowing gray color

Best House Marble Floor
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The combination of gray color is one of the best references for those of you who want an elegant home atmosphere with the best space.

The gray texture with marble floors looks very luxurious, although it is suitable to be applied to minimalist houses. The choice of color is the best reference to produce a timeless atmosphere of space.

6. Black color with line sculpture

Best House Marble Floor
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Black marble floors always have the best aesthetic value that is very luxurious and elegant in the house.

Striped black elements will be very suitable combined with a living room and a minimalist family room with a unique monochrome theme. You can also make black marble as a unique decorative accent. 

7. Resembles a domino effect

Best House Marble Floor
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In addition to line shapes and sculptures, you can also apply shapes with a unique minimalist domino effect.

The domino texture refers to the use of minimalist zigzag lines with unique monochrome colors. Meanwhile, the marble will be very suitable combined with industrial minimalist house design.

8. Aesthetic hexagonal form

Best House Marble Floor
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Not only symmetrical squares, but you can also apply a unique hexagonal marble floor design.

The hexagonal touch looks very attractive on the floor surface of the house with a different atmosphere. The hexagonal accent will be very suitable combined with a classic minimalist themed room.

9. Resembles an asymmetrical line

Best House Marble Floor
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A unique line like in the following image can be one of the best references that you can interestingly apply.

Motifs with minimalist three-dimensional effects resembling a unique maze have a different touch, even though it looks unique and aesthetic. The marble combination will be very suitable for millennial-style houses.

10. Neoclassical

Best House Marble Floor
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Marble floors with Neoclassical theme are worth applying to the minimalist living room in the middle of the house.

Monochrome textured neoclassical touches have a very interesting effect, although softly textured and stylish.

11. Sparkling touch in the dining room

Best House Marble Floor
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In addition to the living room and living room, it is not wrong to combine luxurious elements with marble floors in the dining room attractively.

Sparkling accents look luxurious with a combination of gold and monochrome that looks very grand. The luxurious atmosphere with marble floors in the dining room is even more enjoyable, especially when gathering families.

Those are some of the best marble floor design references that you can apply at home, whether it's a living room, even a living room or a dining room.

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